Your pet requires annual vaccinations to protect it from preventable diseases that could severely impact their health and even be life threatening. These vaccination consults are an excellent opportunity for your vet to complete a full physical examination and consultation for your pet. Remember, your pet is aging much faster than we are. Your appointment is an opportunity to detect issues that otherwise might go undetected – and become more difficult and costly to treat later on.

During the appointment, we’ll talk about how to monitor your pet’s health to detect disease early. We’ll discuss ways that you can help prevent these diseases from occurring or slow their progression. We’ll review your pet’s vaccination needs as well as give you recommendations for flea and internal parasite control. Finally, we can discuss your pet’s nutritional needs and any behaviour questions you may have.

Puppy vaccination schedule

8 weeks of age: C3 vaccination (parvo, distemper, hepatitis)
12 weeks of age: C5 vaccination (parvo, distemper, hepatitis plus kennel cough) and Proheart injection
16 weeks of age: C3 vaccination (parvo, distemper, hepatitis)

Kitten vaccination schedule

8 weeks of age: F3 vaccine (panleukopaenia virus, rhinotracheitis virus, calicivirus)
12 weeks of age: F3 vaccine (+ optional FIV feline immunodeficiency virus vaccine recommended for outdoor cats)
14 weeks of age: (optional FIV booster for outdoor cats)
16 weeks of age: F3 vaccine (optional FIV booster for outdoor cats)